How To Promote Your Music And Build Your Brand Using Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your music and build a strong online brand. In order to really take your music to the next level, you need to take advantage of social media.

Don’t worry, it’s easier than you might think, all you need is a good plan and some time to put everything together, I’ll help you with the rest.

Keep reading to learn how to promote your music and build a strong brand using social media.

Be on the Right Channels

There are so many platforms out there for you to choose from, but it’s important to be on the right channels for your audience. This is usually going to include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

MySpace does still have a large music audience, but the average person isn’t going to be on there. That’s why the channels I listed are a little better to start with because they have your audience there, and all of those platforms support videos, or at least the sharing of videos for Twitter.

If you’re just getting started with posting, be sure to at least post:

Facebook: Once per day

Instagram: Once per day

YouTube: Upload a new video weekly

Twitter: 3 posts per day

TikTok: Once per day

Now, with all of these the more you post the better, so if you’re able to post more often it’s important to do so.

Be Consistent in Your Message

First and foremost, you need to be consistent in your messaging across all channels. That doesn’t mean post the same thing to all channels, what it means is writing the same way, talking the same way, and interacting the same way across all channels so people can easily link your brand together.

Whether you’re a DJ, singer, guitarist, in a band, or make music you should have a name and logo for yourself. This will help you stay consistent because you’ll have a style to go off of and a color theme to match your brand across channels.

Before you start to make content think about how you want to interact with your followers. Do you want to be casual or more formal? Are you targeting younger kids, teenagers, adults, or older people with your music? Think about how they talk online and try to match the style to be relatable.

Create Content Consistently

In order to post successfully on these channels, you need to create quality content consistently. Have a repository of content to pull from so you always have something to post.

I like to schedule everything a month in advance, so think about the month and what you have going on and put it on a calendar. Then, decide how often you want to post, and what you want to post about.

It’s okay if you’re unsure of what to post, here are some ideas.

Memes or Other Relatable Content

This is something that’s going to engage your audience in a fun and casual way. You may not always be able to post something music-related, and you really shouldn’t just focus on promoting yourself.

The point of these channels isn’t necessarily to sell, it’s to curate an audience of super fans who love to follow everything you do. A good posting strategy is to promote yourself directly every 4th post. That means for 1 promoting post, you have 3 posts that don’t directly promote your music or merch.

Share a Behind the Scene Looks

If you’re having a hard time curating content or memes to share, consider recording or taking pictures of you behind the scenes. Whether it’s singing to your computer, or being in a recording studio, people love seeing what happens behind the scenes.

It’s fun to have an inside scoop, and taking a simple photo of you recording or working will go a long way.

Run a Contest and Do a Giveaway

If you have a decent-sized audience that interacts with your posts consider running a giveaway. This can be a great way to ask people to share your posts and build an even bigger audience.

Give away something that people want, like a new album or some cool merch in order to get them really interested in it.

Go Live

Not only does going live reach more people, but it also encourages people to watch your videos longer. Going live is a great way to talk directly to your fans and interact with them on a more personal level.

Collab With Other Musicians

People love music! Find other musicians and share their content. There’s never enough music in the world so align yourself with musicians who are like you, as well as ones who create completely different music. People like variety and this is a great way to cross-post and promote.

Put Some Money Behind Your Posts

If you don’t put some money behind posts you’re missing out on a huge audience. It’s no secret that when you post organically you’re not getting in front of everyone who likes your page.

To get around this, consider boosting the posts you want people to see the most. Even boosting a post with $2 will help it reach a much larger audience and increases engagement. The key here is to not do it for every post, but maybe once or twice a week drop a few bucks in there.

Promote Your Music Like a Pro Today

Now that you know how to promote your music and build a brand on social media, get started today! There are plenty of free marketing tools and platforms to get you started. Do you still need help promoting your music? Give me a text or call at 248-289-0028, or contact me through my site today! I love helping people grow their social channels and build their music, and I can’t wait to help you too!