Social Media Posting: How Often Should Post on Social Media?

Whether you’re looking to up your social media posting or are just getting started with a new page, it’s essential to create a posting plan and stick to it.

Something I get asked all of the time is, “how often should I post on each channel?” And my answer is always the same: it depends.

There are so many factors that go into determining the proper posting schedule for you. Keep reading to learn some of the best practices revolved around social media posting and learn how to create a plan that’s right for you.

First, Create Your Audience

Before creating posts, you have to answer these questions:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • How old are the people I want to reach typically?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • How do they use social media?
  • Are they on the channels I plan to post to?
    • What channels are they on?
  • What’s their income level – can they afford me?
  • What are their pain points, and how can my product/service help?
  • What are their goals – both personal and professional?

Once you can answer these questions, you’ll have a better understanding of whom you’re trying to reach, and the best way to interact with them is.

Facebook Posting Frequency

The best posting frequency for Facebook is twice per day, every single day. Make one post in the morning and another in the early afternoon. When you create engaging posts multiple times a day, you’ll remain at the top of their mind every day.

Twitter Posting Frequency

You should be posting a whopping 14 times per day for Twitter and never tweet more than once per hour. The way Twitter’s feed works is by showing you content as it comes in. The more pages your audience follows, the more likely they are to miss your content.

LinkedIn Posting Frequency

If your audience is primarily on LinkedIn, you should plan to reach them by posting once a day on weekdays. Since LinkedIn is a business platform, you don’t need to overly engage on the weekends when people are taking breaks from work.

Instagram Posting Frequency

Ideally, for Instagram, you would post at least once per day, with some days making two posts. Since this is a visual platform, be prepared to make a lot of images and quick videos to engage your audience.

TikTok Posting Frequency

TikTok is challenging because you should be posting on there at least three times per day. If you’ve ever been on TikTok, you’ll know that all of the content posted is in video form. If you have a younger audience you’re trying to reach, this is an excellent place for you, but understand that you’re going to have to create a lot of content.

Reddit Posting Frequency

For Reddit, its algorithm updates the front page every 24 hours. If you want your subscribers to see your content regularly, you should be posting at least every day.

YouTube Posting Frequency

To grow your audience on YouTube, you should commit to uploading at least one video per week. If posting weekly is too much of a commitment, then at the very least, you need to upload a new video once a month.

Google Business Posting Frequency

For the best results with Google Business posting, you should create a post once a week. This is one of the easier-going platforms, so posting once a week will be plenty.

What About Other Social Media Channels?

You should follow the general rule of posting at least once per day for any social media channel. If you do not see results, adjust the time of day you’re posting. If you’re still not seeing results after a few months, then it might be time to change your plan or the platform you’re on. 

Create Your Social Media Posting Plan Today!

Now that you know how often you should be posting on each social channel put together a plan and start today! 

If you need help with your social media posting plan, reach out to me! I’ve helped brands both small and large create engaging posts, and I’d love to help you as well!